CGFFL2025 Flag Football · Female CGFFL
- Player Fees
- Regular $125.00
Program Details
Calgary Girls Flag Football League - CGFFL
How much is registration?
We are a not for profit organization and our fees
this year are 125.00 / player
What is the age range for the league?
Girls age 6 - 18
When is the season?
Thursday July 6th to Thursday August 24th
When would we play?
Div1 players will play 6:00 PM to 7:20 PM
Div2 players will play 7:20 PM to 8:40 PM
Div3 players will play 8:40 PM to 10:00 PM
July 04 11, 18, 25
Aug. 01, 08
Aug. 15, 22 Playoffs
Where do we play?
Location: Glenmore 6 Athletic Park or Shouldice Stampeder Field depending on city availability
Maps and addresses can be found under the Fields tab.
How are teams organized?
Players are placed into divisions (Div1, 2 & 3) by age. The youngest players in
division 1, the oldest in division 3.
Special requests often bump players up or down a
division, but only when the overall age range works.
Special requests?
You can make a special request on the registration
to be on a specific team, or request to be on the
same team as a friend.
When does registration end?
Open until June 29th or when we fill up!
If the Register Now button is active we will still
accept players.
League Notes:
Now accepting registrations!